
Welcome to tesselite.

Below are the few steps to onboard on platform services delivered by Tesselite. The installation will guide you to clear security requirements: a google email (identity management) and a VPN (privacy management).

VPN: File


You need very few things to use Tesselite platform:

  1. A google email or an email domain hosted on Google. We will give you all the instructions to check that up.

  2. A openVPN client application (macos, windows, linux, iphone, android)

  3. A web-browser on any operatnig system, on any device (safari, chrome, firefox...). Even an old version of safari running on iPhone 8 will do.

Normally, you may have all those pre-requisites checked already on your device:

  • If ok, skip the section below.

  • If nook, we will clear those steps together ->

Pre-requisites clearance:

Google Email

An email hosted within Google mail server infrastructure is needed. You can check that out very easily.

There are several ways to do that:

  1. online tools : the website here is running the MX-query for you ->

  2. Python tools : use the following library -> dnspython

import dns.resolver
print([x for x in dns.resolver.resolve(yourCompanyDomainName, "MX")])

  1. dns tools : install "dig" command in your terminal

dig mx,yourCompanyDomainName

  • If ok, skip to the next section.

  • If nook. Your mail server infrastructure is hosted somewhere else.

    • Get in touch with us => tesselite

    • We will create your engineers Google emails under our own domain (


We recommend openvpn as vpn client, very liked by open source community and totally free and no ads.

  1. use the offcial installation links here => macos, windows, linux, iphone, android

  2. downlad the openVPN key file here => VPN: File (requires Google email authentication)

Then, import the vpn key in your OpenVPN application and press the button 'start'.

  • If ok, we are ready to go.

  • If nook, ask to us for troubleshooting => tesselite

Let's go !

We have cleared all mandatory steps to start building:

  • we dispatched already a Jupyter notebook(*) and a Mlflow(*) platform.

  • (remember) to spin on the VPN to access our secure platform.

Foot notes:

We are delivering PaaS with open source softwares exclusively. We took a great care to not break any open source licence:

  • Jupyter notebook is released under the licence bsd-3-clause.

  • MLflow is released under an Apache 2.0 licence.

We do not charge for the use of those products even though, it is allowed by the licencing. We will charge only infrastructure usage and maintenance and our control plane services.